sábado, 13 de agosto de 2016

How to say "Hello".

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

Knock, knock, trick or treat.

sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

Online resources: The body.

Recursos educativos y juegos online para aprender El Cuerpo Humano en Ingles por niveles.

Online resources: School.

Recursos educativos y juegos online para aprender el Colegio en Inglés.

Online resources: Clothes.

Recursos educativos y juegos online para aprender Las Prendas de Vestir en Inglés.

Online resources: Food.

Recursos educativos y juegos online para aprender los alimentos en Inglés.

Online resources: The house.

Recursos educativos y juegos online para aprender la Casa en Ingles programados por niveles.

Online games: The family

Recursos educativos, juegos online y ejercicios interactivos para aprender la Familia en Inglés.

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

English songs

A nice selection of English songs.


miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Preschool animals

A fairly interesting pack of activities about animals. 

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

TESL_Using flashcards effectively

How to use the flashcards effectively in the classroom.


My puppy likes the water

My puppy likes the water. 
My puppy likes to swim. 
I've never seen a puppy 
who swims as much as him. 

He swims not on the surface, 
but only underneath. 
And maybe I should warn you, 
he has very scary teeth. 

Whenever people see him 
they're frightened of his grin. 
Or maybe it's his lack of fur. 
Or maybe it's his fin. 

If you should buy a puppy, 
                                                      just get the kind that barks. 
                                                      Don't be like me. I bought mine 
                                                      at a store that just sells sharks. 

                                                                                                         Kenn Nesbitt

High frequency words 5

High frecquency words 4

Tricky words

High frequency words 3

High frequency words 2